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First Resonance

A user experience challenge to envision a time tracking experience within an existing user flow on the ION platform by First Resonance.

My role

Responsible for UX research and UI design


June 2022 | 4 hours


Video Presentation
Competitive Report
Figma Prototype
UX Research Study Plan


Manufacturing customers care about measuring the hours spent working on each part so that they can control and reduce costs for their products they deliver to their customers. Currently, they do this through manual time studies and observing technicians building hardware in runs.

The challenge was to deliver a clock-in / clock-out set of features within the Run flow for users and engineers. This was a solo project I worked on for four hours in June 2022.


The Project objective is to provide time tracking because tracking the Run work-time saves company money whilst encouraging engineers to utilize working time effectively.

My goal is to demonstrate a Run clock-in clock-out time tracking and reporting tools that provide businesses opportunity to save time and money.

Project summary

Pending a user-test cycle, two of the three value goals have been accomplished. Those are Easy recording and Non-disruptive. I did not cover the reporting aspect of this project due to time constraints.

Despite the short amount of time I was able to demonstrate my work process. If I had more time i would look into exploring time recording needs. Find different ways to increase accuracy of time. Explore feature set alignment from competitive analysis. Explore gamification of statistics for engineers.

Research and discovery

The research process was done in two phases: competitor analysis, and foundational research. My discovery and research included:

Competitor analysis

I began secondary research conducting a competitive analysis to understand First Resonance’s competitors and the time clocking process. To do so, I selected a few companies and documented their First impressions, Interaction, Visual design and Content features. In this competitive analysis I am looking to reveal insights into ease of use and usefulness of time tracking. I used the information from the spreadsheet to write a Competitive Audit Report which I presented to stakeholders.

View Competitive Audit Report

Foundational research

Foundational research was conducted online by searching helps documents, video tutorials, Captera, and gathering product screenshots of indirect competition. All these Primary research assets where added to the Figma document.

Key findings analysis

After completing the audit and foundational research phases I then outline the The Problem statement: As an engineer, I want to record Run times, to generate reports of working time. And I also note the Gap opportunity of having the clocking feature within the Run flow as a unique feature when compared to competitors.

Ideating and solutions

The ideating process was done in three phases: crazy eights, prototyping, and user study plan. My solutions process included:

Crazy eights

After completing the Project goals and due to the time constraints as my next exercise. I needed to ideate quickly to explore directions. I did two rounds of the Crazy Eights exercise before I was confident with moving into the prototype phase. In the Crazy Eights exercise you do is sketch 8 ideas within 8 minutes.


I created two separate high-fidelity prototypes in Figma. Each prototypes with unique characteristics and flow. Each prototype demonstrated separate UI tactics.

View Figma Prototype

User interviews

I developed two prototypes and wrote a UX Research Study Plan with the specific goal to validate that users will be able to use the proposed new features. The study plan holds all the pertinent information for a Usability Testing Facilitator. An introduction, research questions, KPI’s and more. Whilst the participant moved through each task the Facilitator would record behavior and feedback from the Participant. The expectation here is to collect valuable feedback about the design that might provide opportunity for iterative design adjustments as we covered in the User-centered design process earlier. The design adjustment would be carried out as soon possible and then retested in that same velocity. The usability testing will help uncover problems, discover opportunities, and learn about our users.

View UX Research Study Plan